Seeking Filipino/Chinese helpers who can assist my night work

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Seeking Filipino/Chinese helpers who can assist my night work
한눈에 보는 구인정보 직거래 서비스입니다.
Seeking Filipino/Chinese helpers who can assist my night work
직종 몽골, 필리핀, 기타외국인
근무지역 서울 동대문구  
근무기간 장기간근무 성별 무관    등록일 : 1월 6일
근무요일 월, 수, 금, 협의 근무시간 오전 00시 00분 ~ 오후 00시 00분
국적 무관 나이 무관
학력 무관 경력 초보가능
급여 근무형태 출퇴근

Dear Filipino  guys living in Korea

I am Korean, but let me write in English so that I assure you that no Korean proficiency is not needed to work with me.

I am looking for someone who can assist me during my night working-time with small helps. My current job is freelance translator, and I usually work at night due to time-difference between USA/Europen and Korea. But sometimes I find it hard to manage both daily life and work and at the same time.

And I have some chronic/serious skin-allergy, and that makes it a bit harder to stay organized with everything. Meanwhile, due to my nature,  I prefer just to focus on my work exclusively.


As such, I look for Filipino or Chinese helpers who can assist me to stay overnight while I keep working for my career, staying at my home during night. I stay awaken until 5 am in Korean time, so anyone who can be here until at least 2: 30 am is preferred, and 2~4 days a week.

Perhaps some of you might afford time to stay for 5+ hours at my room (e.g. from 11:30 pm to 4:30 am). In that case, you will actually have to work only for 3 or less hours, because all you have to do are:

1. Cleaning only once my tiny studio (of only 20m squares, most Korean cleaners finish it within 1.5 hours); 

2. To bring me coffee or medication when needed;

3.  From May to September, additionally, I might ask you to check room's hygiene status or hiding bugs 

I think nobody can imagine you have to work throughout 5 hours with only those three services. 

In fact, if you chose to stay for 5 hours in my room, 2 hours out of them will be found in idle, and it is your free-time. Please pay attention when I ask for service, but otherwise you can do your things staying at my room; for that, please do not forget to bring smartphone and earphone (not to disturb me with noise)

Actually, working every night is not easy for everyone; and sometimes it is very lonely job. Given that, a mere other’s presence helps me, to do better job and stay without anxiety. That explains why I am willing to pay for just staying in my room, including hours you stay here but do not do any specific service.


The wage per hour I consider is 16,000 , but it is negotiable. And in apart, I will support your communting-cost up to 18,000 depending on where you live.

My location is Dongdaemungu of Seoul, and very near from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.
Anyone intersted who can afford time, please contact me to: legazpi_

You can talk me either of English, Spanish or Korean (sorry that I don't speak Tagalog or Cebuano)
So, I look forwarding to hearing from you guys.

Thanks for reading!

Ki-Hoon Jun

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한눈에 보는 구인정보 직거래 서비스입니다.
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